To promote positivity and awareness around the importance of Rising From The Ashes we have shared our advert for the woman like Me Conference which is taking place in June, Saturday the 26th. With Covid affecting mental health across the UK we would like to invite you to the annual The Woman Like Me Conference to hear authentic stories from the heart to inspire, empower, encourage and celebrate women!
Since it is Mental Health Awareness Month we thought it would be detrimental to shine a light on the impact the pandemic has had on women across the world. With many women finding it difficult to empower themselves in general, the pandemic has devastated the mental health rates this past year.
Women’s wellbeing has disproportionately declined over the last year, with over 60% of women finding it hard to stay positive. Therefore, we need to rise together and show other women that together we can rise from the ashes and empower ourselves so that we may go on to empower others.
One small act can ripple the course of events and lead to more women empowering themselves everyday! What is your small act for today?
Buy your tickets now for The Woman Like Me L&B Conference Event here!
This is a time for hope and inspiration so lets rise together as a community to celebrate courageous women across the UK.
If you are feeling like you need immediate advice on how to look after your wellbeing then click here for detailed advice on how look after your wellbeing, practical needs and further advice and support. Stay safe ladies.