It brings us great pleasure to announce Sian Young will be a speaker at The Woman Like Me L&B Conference 2022.
Here’s a little introduction into Sian and why she has been selected to reveal her hidden story to empower YOU! To share with you so that you will ‘Rise & Shine Queen’.
Sian believes in a world where businesses are sustainable and profitable where cooperation helps us excel in competition. She calls it the “interconnection” between planet and profit.

Sian Young is an International Speaker, TEDx Speaker and Co-Founded ©Center for Sustainable Action, where she’s on a mission to turn small businesses and entrepreneurs into profitable and sustainable enterprises ‘humanizing’ business through cooperation.
She earned her title as a ©Sustainable Success Coach simply by living by the mantra ‘Health and Well-Being in Life and Business will save the planet’. Sian has co-created the SDG – Assessment App and ©SHaW Model for sustainable health & wellbeing both research driven tools for sustainable success in Life & Business.
When you spend time with Sian, you’ll begin see the possibility, and make the impossible, possible.
Wow! We are extremely grateful that Sian will be sharing with us on Saturday 25th of June. Watch this space to find out what it is Sian will be sharing about at The Women Like Me L&B Conference 2022. 🤔

If you still haven’t got your ticket, then how will you hear and feel the inspiration and empowerment Sian will bring? Don’t delay and don’t miss out, get your ticket now right here.
And remember to tell your friends and family, as we can all do with being more empowered and inspired right?
We look forward to you joining us.
Keep Shining 🌟
Take care
Jasmine 😊