There is the well-known saying – no pain, no gain.
Do you ever feel like the odds are stacked against you? Well in Michelle Obamas case, this was true. Growing up an African American in the 60’s in a small home in Chicago provided to be her first hurdle of many. With her father falling very ill, suffering with Multiple Sclerosis, this pushed Michelle to be a good, ambitious student.
While studying sociology at Princeton University, Michelle then realised “that everyday drain of being in a deep minority.” Living during a time when schools were white male dominated and the difficulty of standing out was prevalent.
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress” – Frederick Douglass
Now; Michelle Obama is a lawyer, writer and the wife of former U.S. President Barack Obama. Prior to her role as first lady, she was a lawyer, Chicago city administrator and community-outreach worker. But how did she get there?
Michelle rose to success through determination and persistence, not letting deterrents such as lack of opportunities affect her and focusing on thriving possibilities and the potential for greatness. Michelle was always captivated with helping others and found that her true calling is working with people to serve their communities. Therefore, when Michelle became the First Lady of The United States she found herself in a position of power and influence.
It is Woman’s History month and this year the theme is #ChooseToChallenge. Throughout history, women have challenged all types of stigma around what we can and cannot do; opening the flood gates for the next generation of women to accomplish a million possibilities. Women have stepped out of the shadow of the man and continue to shine brightly all over the world.
*Follow a recognised feminist online to keep up on current content
*Get familiar with current women’s issues i.e. the pink tax
*Watch films and TV shows directed and produced by women
*Donate to charities that aid women causes
*Amplify the women in your life – encourage them to achieve their best!
Frida Kahlo – Mexican Painter
During the 1900’s the art world was booming. You would have heard of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali as even then they were household names – famous for creating outlandish works using their emotions to communicate. During this time women still could not: vote, smoke in public, get divorced, join the military or even wear trousers, let alone have an art career. Meanwhile though, Frida Kahlo was creating artwork after artwork as a result of an unfortunate tram accident, leaving her bedbound. This tragedy left Kahlo with a deep sense of agony and Kahlo needed to tell her story. Through practice and determination Kahlo created many self-portraits expressing her pain; exploring themes of loss, death and selfhood. These themes were already explored by male artists but never before had a woman dissected the emotion and stigma around expressing one’s self.
“Feet, what do I want them for if I have wings to fly?’ – Frida Kahlo
Before Kahlo, women artists were seen as hysterical and condemned insane and men artists as ‘melancholy’. This all slowly unravelled when Kahlo defied gender stereotypes by proudly wearing her facial hair, smoking in public, wearing a suit for a family portrait and having infamous affairs with men and women. Proving that terms should not be thought of as gendered and challenging the idea of what it means to be a woman. Kahlo was unapologetically herself, proving to be a role model of rebelliousness and confidence.
Family Portrait 1924 – Frida Kahlo (centre) aged 17
Kahlo, although bedbound, did not let her illness stop her from being herself. Today Kahlo is up there with the greats, being recognised for dismissing societies standards of what women should and should not be, being the face of trauma support and for discussing the complex aspects of female identity. Kahlo liberated women to challenge what they felt they could do; permitting freedom for women many years to come.
Our mission is to empower 1000 women to ‘climb their mountain’ so that they break down their barriers and reclaim their power. Join us. For more details about how we can help you to ‘climb your mountain’ – check out our free events here.
Women are and have always been strong. So why has it taken so long for the world to recognise that? Thanks to some of the women on this list; women are becoming more recognised around the world for their contributions to society and devotion to their passions. A recent example of this would be New Zealand’s Prime Minister – Jacinda Ardern. Arden has been recognised for the decisiveness, rapidity and effectiveness of the response to COVID 19, as well as the compassionate communication of fact-based public health information. Everywhere you look around you women are doing amazing things; the trick is to recognise it.
Another example of a recognised, accomplished woman would be Malala Yousafzai. Malala is a powerhouse for female education and equality and this passion unfortunately resulted in an attempt on her life – amazingly, Malala not only survived but continued to stand up for female education. Her determination and passion for life demand and advocate for female education has no doubt positively impacted the world. For example: more children now having access to free education and the ability to complete a full course of primary schooling and much more. This gained Malala a Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17 and universal recognition.
“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai
Similarly, Maya Angelou used her personal domestic adverse experiences to make a tremendous difference within literature and modern society. Angelou is known as an accomplished author, poet, memoirist and civil rights activist. Angelou was known to never be hesitant to speak her mind, passionately defending the rights of women, young people and the ignored. This passion and determination made Angelou a catalyst during the civil rights movement as she effortlessly traversed the worlds of literature and activism.
So what do these women have in common other than greatness? Adversity and breaking down barriers. These extraordinary women rose above their experiences and didn’t let it dictate who they are. Instead, they used it as a source of motivation to help others and accomplish brilliant unforgettable achievements recognised universally. The moral is; everyone’s got their mountains, it is how you choose to climb it that matters. We all have our stories and hurdles, the key is to stay positive and keep focus towards your goals. These women stood their ground in the face of adversity and exceled for what they believed in whist motivating others and you can too.
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” – Maya Angelou
Our mission is to empower 1000 women to ‘climb their mountain’ so that they break down their barriers and reclaim their power. Join us. For more details about how we can help you to ‘climb your mountain’, check out our free events here.
Self-awareness can be extremely empowering! In the first part of this blog series, we teased out what self-awareness is and why it’s important. In this article, you’ll find out how to become more self-aware.
Tips For Building Self-Awareness
When feeling an intense emotion ask yourself questions such as:
We gathered on 20th June 2020 for The Women Like Me Luton & Beds Conference and participants described it as:
‘…your event was soooooo great I am a woman empowered…You are inspiring and all the ladies came with insight, empowering words to uplift and strengthen…’
‘…I was really pleased I attended the conference yesterday it brings hope and inspiration when we need to be reminded x’
‘It was amazing. Absolutely incredible’
Toni watched the replay and said
‘It was so interesting to see confident, outgoing women sharing their back stories. I found it enlightening and I found your story [Jasmine] very moving,’
Over 6 hours
8 women sharing
Empowering, Engaging and Inspiring
The theme was ‘From Feeling Fear to Feeling Free’. It was held on Zoom which allowed the magic to be captured in such a beautiful way, from the comfort of our own homes.
Fear affects each of us in different ways, nevertheless what unites us is that we have all felt fear. Though fear may have held us captive, we wanted to be free. Freedom was being reclaimed. And we were listening to the stories of women who had and who were doing just that. You too can listen to these empowering stories by purchasing access to the #Replay. Click below to purchase immediate access. Plus receive a bonus, The Women Like Me Conference PDF Notebook will be emailed to you separately.
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A huge thanks goes out to the amazing #TWLMLBC Speaker Line Up of The Women Like Me L&B Conference 2020. They were each outstanding in their own right and shared so generously. Particular thanks goes to Haneefah Muhammed who hosted the event so humorously and brilliantly. The speakers were:
Check out the pics and bios, along with contact details of these amazing speakers here.
It was after this event that Jasmine Mbye, the organiser, realised exactly what this conference is all about…It’s revealing the hidden stories that make us who we are to empower women so they can keep on moving.
It was the start of our mission at The Like Me CIC to empower 1000women.
Look at the beautiful faces of each woman above. For most of us there we shared our stories of child abuse, divorce, bullying, domestic abuse and rejection and how we are or have overcome. We listened to speaking, song and poetry. We laughed, we cried, we all shared to empower so we could overcome fear.
Below are a some screenshots of the event.
Can you tell it was great? Maybe you weren’t able to join us on the 20th of June, yet you want to move from ‘Feeling Fear to Feeling Free’? You want to be empowered and inspired? Want to find out about the challenges we’ve overcome and are overcoming? Become part of our 1000 empowered women.
Watch the replay by purchasing below to gain immediate access.
Watch over 6 hours at your convenience
Be empowered and inspired by these amazing women’s stories
Plus receive a bonus PDF The Women Like Me Luton & Beds Conference Notebook
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If you’re an organisation and want to share access with multiple women, then complete the form below and we’ll get in touch.
It’s ages since I’ve written a blog. However, after The Women Like Me Luton & Beds Conference I’ve re-committed myself to sharing from the heart. My major learning of late is love isn’t always about being there through thick and thin. Sometimes love requires you to leave.
So Why is Leaving Loving?
Firstly, leaving my relationship meant I remembered to love me. It meant I had finally acknowledged that I and my feelings mattered. It meant I had accepted my relationship was toxic and abusive, deciding to stand up for myself and my happiness. For a long time I’d been surviving and felt like I was slowly dying inside. I lost connection with myself so didn’t realised how anxious I’d become or that I was becoming depressed. Losing the fight needed for my hopes and dreams to become a reality. Slipping into a state of existence, numbed existence, where I just go through the motions. Leaving meant loving myself so I could stop trying to be okay and just start being again.
Another reason why leaving was an act of love is because it meant my daughter would be able to grow up with a mum who breathed. What I mean by that is a mum who was present, who lived in the moment, who felt. Instead of a mum struggling, falling into depression and anxiety and simply trying to survive. My example would be one that she could follow in life and relationships. As I would learn how to set and uphold appropriate boundaries including being treated with respect and love. Leaving was love as my daughter would now be in a home environment in which she would feel safe because I felt safe.
The last reason why leaving was loving is because I didn’t stop loving my partner. I just stopped hoping and wishing he would change. I recognised change was something he had to want for himself but I didn’t have to suffer while he figured that out. I realised leaving would give him the chance to see just how damaging his behaviour had been. A chance to reflect and see ‘it wasn’t that bad’ was a lie. I knew, however, change might never come and whether it did or didn’t wasn’t on me. I left that to him and God. Leaving was the loving slap that might awaken him and I wasn’t looking to benefit from it. I wasn’t going to look back.
Leaving meant my life took unexpected turns that VERY few understood. It meant my life sunk to depths I never imagined. Here I was a professional, a business women in refuge. On top of that I wasn’t 100% sure that I was doing the right thing. Yet leaving meant I was free. Free to learn and free love again. Starting with myself.
There’s a saying, if you love something set it free and if it’s yours it’ll come back to you. Love yourself, set yourself free and you’ll come back to you. I’m here to tell the tale. And I’m breathing with a smile on my face. There’s life after abuse. You can recover. And you can learn to love yourself again.
All the best
Jasmine ??
Speaker, Trainer, Coach and Director of The Like Me CIC.
Jasmine is determined to make a positive difference to females in Luton and Bedfordshire. Primarily through events, training and in future a magazine. Jasmine shares her story to empower and encourage others. Jasmine’s authenticity comes from her belief that when she lets her light shine, others are encouraged to do the same.
Below are the bios of the fantastic speakers who shared from their heart to encourage, empower and inspire the hearts of those who were present at The Women Like Me Luton & Beds Conference.
Our theme was ‘From Feeling Fear to Feeling Free’ because fear affects each of us, often in different ways. Nevertheless what we have in common is that we have felt fear. Fear may have held us captive but we wanted to be free. So we met on 20th June 2020 at #TWLMLBC to reclaim our freedom.
Check out the fantastic speakers we had and find out a bit about them below.
Meet The Speaker… Debbie Gilbert
Debbie Gilbert is a multi award winning businesswoman who has been in business since 1998. Her passion is supporting start ups to succeed which led her to write the Amazon best selling book ‘The Successful Mumpreneur’.
Aside from owning a successful marketing and events agency she also owns Mums UnLtd. These are support groups for women in 9 areas helping them on the road to business success. Debbie loves to support Mums get the balanced life they crave and enabling them to work for themselves successfully.
Meet The Speaker…Danielle Bridge
Danielle is the founding director of ABC Life Support CIC, a First Aid Training organisation, an associate instructor for MHFA England as well as the Co-chair of Cambridge Mental Health Network. Danielle has a passion for delivering First Aid courses to people in the community as well as organisations. In terms of physical first aid, we delivering impactful mandatory first aid training and in terms of mental health first aid we are delighted to be able to empower organisations to start conversations and begin implementations of systems which support people in the workplace.
Danielle has delivered a number of courses and spoken at a number of events across all sectors and has the ability to adapt her delivery accordingly, making each delivery unique to the client. Feedback from delegates is overwhelmingly positive and Danielle takes pride in making the training as interactive and interesting as possible.
Meet The Speaker… Hasina Rahman
Hasina Rahman Hasina is the owner of a female only martial arts club in Luton, Pink Diamond Martial Arts. She has achieved 3 black belts in 3 different styles of martial arts and has been running her own club for the past 5 years.
She is a public speaker raising awareness for anti-bullying and self-confidence. This year she released her first children’s book; Heroes, a guide to anti-bullying. Hasina wants to empower women and girls with confidence, self-love and life saving martial arts skills! She is also a mother of two young wonderful boys, who keep her super busy!
Meet The Speaker…Daniella Blechner
Daniella Blechner is an Award-Winning entrepreneur, Founder of Conscious Dreams Publishing, Bestselling Author and Book Journey Mentor who is passionate about inspiring and empowering authors to transform their stories, messages and powerful journeys into books of impact and influence.
Daniella assists authors through the publishing process and helps them to create, publish and market professional books of value and significance. Over the last eighteen months, Conscious Dreams Publishing has published over 60 books, 16 of which have become bestsellers. Daniella has also mentored over 180 authors. She is passionate about empowering authors through this process and is always looking for authors with powerful messages and stories to share with the world; ones that educate, inspire and empower. She runs a workshop for aspiring female authors called The Power of Your Story to assist them in gaining clarity and vision for their book as well as get clear on the self-publishing and writing process.
She is passionate about providing a platform for women to have their voices heard and stories shared in a space of empowerment. Her conscious dream is to ensure that our unseen images and unheard voices are portrayed positively on a global scale and that those stories are told by those who experience them.
For many years Katrina struggled with a lack of self worth, self belief and was stuck in a negative cycle of depression and anxiety following a traumatic childhood. From the age of just 6 years old Katrina was sexually abused by a close family friend which lasted until she finally escaped at 17. ‘I spent the first 20 years of adulthood going from one bad decision to another, often self medicating to take away the pain. I honestly believed I was destined for a life of misery.’
Today Katrina runs her own successful business, is happy and loving life. Find out how she turned her life around and to finally let go of the past that was holding her back.
Meet The Speaker…Samara Barnett
Samara is a 23 year old singer/songwriter from Bedfordshire. She is also The Warrior Mama, a single mother to two under 5’s. Samara shares on the challenges faced balancing motherhood with her dream of singing and performing.
She has two singles currently out on all music platforms “Voicemail” and “Inside Out”. She uses music to express herself in a positive way and she aims to be a positive and strong influence to her children and all those who come into contact with her.
Haneefah has over 20 years experience as a Social Worker, mainly with people experiencing complex mental health issues. She plans to return from a career break to join social care and health colleagues during the current health crisis.
Haneefah is also a Soul Empowerment Coach, public speaker and an Author of two books – The A-Z of Stress Solutions’ (2014) offers tips for taking care of our health and wellbeing to manage stress. My Soul Purpose (2019) is a collection of Haneefah’s poems about life, living and learning on the journey to find our true selves.
Haneefah connects with people individually and with groups in an authentic and empowering way. She runs workshops, seminars and presentations and helps people transform their beliefs, thoughts and actions to create more inner connection, freedom and happiness in their lives.
Haneefah has lived in Luton for nearly 20 years and is still discovering the richness and diversity of this historic town. She contributes to the community through the arts performing her poetry and other activities at local events. She is a trustee of Reclaim Life a charity in Bedfordshire that promotes emotional wellbeing. Haneefah also volunteers with the Beds & Luton Recovery College, a mental wellbeing service.
Meet The Speaker…Jasmine Mbye
Jasmine is an accomplished Speaker, Trainer, Coach and the Director of the Like Me CIC. Above all of this she’s a mum. Jasmine was born in Luton but lived most of her life in London, returning to Luton in 2015 and moving to Bedford in 2019. Jasmine has always had a heart for working with women but was reluctant to work with girls although many suggested it. However, after having her first child in 2017, Jasmine was inspired to work with girls as she was blessed with a beautiful baby girl.
Jasmine has overcome many struggles in her life from a dysfunctional and abusive childhood to a toxic and abusive marriage. Yet, she has found her faith and inner work, personal development, has helped her recover from situations that would otherwise have been soul destroying, becoming better and stronger.
It’s this determination that leads Jasmine to make a positive difference to females right here in Luton and Bedfordshire. Jasmine shares her story to empower and encourage others. Jasmine’s authenticity comes from her belief that when she lets her light shine others are encouraged to do the same
So you now a bit about each of the fantastic speakers that we had lined up for June’s The Women Like Me Luton & Beds Conference. What they shared quite frankly was amazing and we know because that’s what the feedback we’ve received tells us.
There were many of you who wanted to be there but for one reason or another were not able to. Well, we’re going to give you an opportunity to experience it. Watch this space.
The date a dream came true. Life can be so challenging and difficult at times, the key is to keep on going, focusing on what you want. That’s what I did and boy am I glad because on 14th June 2019, I achieved a dream. The Women Like Me Luton Conference was such a great day, not perfect yet great. We had planned for the women attending to be encouraged and empowered and the feedback reveals that’s exactly what they were along with being inspired and more. There were just over 70 of us and below are the speakers and their bios, who shared and touched each woman present. All speakers were highly rated by attendees.
To check out the pictures from our fab day in another blog post click here…Enjoy and hopefully you’ll join us in November for our next conference. Pre-register for our November The Women Like Me Luton & Beds Conference by entering your details here. Get in touch to partner with us.
Jacqi Burnett FMAAT, MCMI originates from Hackney, London and has lived in Luton for over 30 years. She has worked in financial management, equality, diversity and inclusion in the public, private and voluntary sectors. She has been a Labour Luton councillor since 2007 and is the Portfolio Holder for Customer & Commercial (Traded Services).
Clare Copleston is Managing Director and Strategic lead at the multi award winning organisation – Meaningful Education CIC and founder of the Bedfordshire Dignity Network. Clare has successfully developed the strategic Vision, Scope and Mission of the organisation and has a demonstrated history of working within the Health & Social Care Industry. Clare has over 16 years’ experience, specialising in Mental Health services both Public and Private Health Care.
Kuljit Lally has over 20 years’ experience in all aspects of child and family law. She’s passionate about working with women and her company’s holy trinity is “people, work space and technology”, maximising talent retention and the quality of all legal services provided. The Aristone team believes in a people-first approach and over-delivering for every client.
Corene Campbell is from a group called voices with soul, 3 bright bubbly ladies with big voices, which were finalists in X-Factor. Before entering the X-Factor TV show, Corene worked as a Supervisor at Cineworld in Luton and also studied Advertising and Marketing Communications at the University of Luton, where she was diagnosed with dyslexia. , onto a show called ‘All together now ‘ 2018/2019 on BBC1 becoming a judge not just once but twice.
Anusjka Regis-Etumnu is a wife and mother of two. She is also an author and entrepreneur who lives with the devastating illness called Sickle Cell.
Anusjka began a campaign to become the first woman in the UK to be cured of sickle cell in early 2018. She shares avidly on her experience and helps to raise awareness, even being featured in the press.
Shahida Khan is a mother and grandma, who refuses to let age and loss stop her. She has committed to developing her potential and pursuing her passions.
Shahida loves bringing people together and sharing from the heart, so volunteers with the us at The Like Me CIC.
Jasmine Mbye is the Director of The Like Me CIC, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, who passionately seeks to empower and encourage women and girls with confidence. Hence becoming the Confidence Grande Dame. Plus, supporting the development of courage, celebration, clarity and resilience. With over 10 years professional experience of training and development along with personal experience of becoming confident, Jasmine builds a connection with those she meets through her openness and willingness to be vulnerable.
Special Guests
Hasina is a Self Defence expert. She has been a fitness instructor and Personal Trainer since 2006. Hasina is a fully qualified Personal Trainer, with 2 black belts in Karate and Kickboxing. It is her passion to help others get fit and healthy and enjoy life! But most of all to be happy with themselves inside and out, especially women.
Rose Marie Calder is a public speaking specialist who went from being too shy to speak to those she knew, let alone strangers. To becoming a woman who helps others find their voice and share their story.
Rose Marie leads two Toastmaster groups; Luton Communicators.
Tremaine is a talented vocalist and pianist who takes her inspiration from Motown, Jazz, Classical and Gospel Music.
She writes and sings beautiful songs about life and love that will leave you feeling blessed and inspired.
We had a great day on Friday, 14th June and below are some of the pics of our encouraging, empowering and inspiring day. Every speaker was amazing and shared from the heart with such openness and vulnerability. We had just over 70 women attend and all in all, it was a great day, which we think the pictures somewhat capture. Check them out below. If you want to see the list and bios of the speakers, click here,
If you haven’t already, register your interest to join us at our event in November by clicking here. We’re aiming to make it even better.
Enjoy the pics!
Attendee Liked
Diversity of women their lives and experience but all together with the same goals. Everyone supported each other, felt in a safe environment to be yourself .
That there was a workshop and that everyone was involved and that they talked with others on the table whether they know them or not. Firstly thanks for the time and effort for all the speakers, event organiser and all who were involved…
Being able to get together with other women and talk about our struggles and strengths, inspiring one another.
It was well organised, orderly and very friendly
Why note join us at the next conference? Then you can have your own experience. Secure your seat with an Early bird price by registering here now! Hope to see you there!
It’s exciting times at The Like Me CIC. Next month we are putting on our first Luton’s women’s conference. Look out for our flyer on social media as well as in and around town. Our focus is on Common Mental health Disorders like anxiety and depression along with stress. We’re making this an event to remember so come and be a part of it.
We want to let all of Luton and those nearby know what we’re doing so Jasmine will be appearing in local press. Listen out for her on the radio this Sunday; MKHRS between noon and 2pm and Three Counties Ed Adoo’s show from 8pm.