We had a great day on Friday, 14th June and below are some of the pics of our encouraging, empowering and inspiring day. Every speaker was amazing and shared from the heart with such openness and vulnerability. We had just over 70 women attend and all in all, it was a great day, which we think the pictures somewhat capture. Check them out below. If you want to see the list and bios of the speakers, click here,
If you haven’t already, register your interest to join us at our event in November by clicking here. We’re aiming to make it even better.
Enjoy the pics!
Attendee Liked
Diversity of women their lives and experience but all together with the same goals. Everyone supported each other, felt in a safe environment to be yourself .
That there was a workshop and that everyone was involved and that they talked with others on the table whether they know them or not.
Firstly thanks for the time and effort for all the speakers, event organiser and all who were involved…
Being able to get together with other women and talk about our struggles and strengths, inspiring one another.
It was well organised, orderly and very friendly
Why note join us at the next conference? Then you can have your own experience. Secure your seat with an Early bird price by registering here now! Hope to see you there!