Fall is approaching & many of us will be returning back to work/school. I’m sure for many of us, our heads are buzzing with ideas & goals! While the thought of summer ending might seem gloomy, knowing that we’re about to enter a new phase is very refreshing! To make this transition great for you, we’ve compiled a list of fun things that you can begin your September (or end your summer) with:
Go to a new place
You know that place you’ve been wanting to visit for the longest time but never got around to. This is the time for you to visit that place! Go to a place you’ve never been to before or one that’s been on your travel list. It doesn’t have to be far away. Alternatively, spend some time in nature. You’ll be amazed at the wonders it can do for you!
Set exciting goals for yourself
Make a list of goals you’re aiming to achieve in the near and distant future. This is also the perfect opportunity for you to recalibrate and redirect yourself, if need be.
Learn a new skill
Is there something that you really want to learn? Why not try your hand at something new? Or relearn something?
- cooking
- skiing or skating
- embroidery
- boxing
- music
- cycling
- drawing
- anything you’d like
There are plenty of skills and hobbies that you can take up if you’d like to. One skill that I’m relearning is how to ride a bike. I’ve decided to challenge my fears and listen to what I really want. And you can do the same!
Take a break
Take a break & rest up if you need to. You know best what you need at this point in life – whether you need to:
- shift into work mode or take a step back
- connect with family & friends or enjoy solitude
- set goals moving forward or take some time to reflect
- have an adventure or chill at home etc.
You’re the best judge of what you should do moving forward. Trust yourself & remember that you make your own timeline.
“I understand now that no one else in the world knows what I should do. Because no one has ever lived or will ever live this life I am attempting to live, with my gifts and challenges and past and people. Every life is an unprecedented experiment. This life is mine alone. So I have stopped asking people for directions to places they’ve never been. There is no map. We are all pioneers.” – Untamed, Glennon Doyle