As International Woman’s month comes to a close, we must continue to celebrate courageous woman around the world – encouraging and inspiring the new generation of women to believe they can achieve bigger and better things every day.
With this being said, we must remember the pioneers that got us to this point. An infamous example would have to be Florence Nightingale; known as the founder of modern nursing.

As the pandemic continues to be fought, I thought I’d learn about one of England’s iconic trailblazers. Nightingale, although being born into to a British upper-class family, her parents disapproved of nursing as her chosen profession. They felt someone of her stature should not take on such a career. This could have gone two ways; Nightingale could have let other people dictate her future, instilling fear and doubt – or – persevere with her passion.
“How very little can be done under the spirit of fear” –Florence Nightingale
Of course, this did not stop determined Nightingale as of the age of 30; she fulfilled her career goal, working in a variety of hospitals in the 1850s. Nightingale successfully went on to organise and lead the group of nurses that helped fallen British soldiers in the Crimean War. Through determination and diligence, the death rate was reduced by two thirds. This gained her a reward from Queen Victoria herself. Nightingale used this reward to create St. Thomas’ Hospital and a training school for aspiring nurses.

We are so fortunate to have had such a strong example of leadership and courage – demonstrating that trying to achieve and taking action is better than not trying at all. Nightingale became the women she was destined to be through trial and error, persistence and tenacity. If it were not for her passion and determination to introduce control, sanitation and structure, the modern nursing world may not have been be the success it is today. Therefore, if Nightingale let fear dictate her life she would have never become the iconic woman she is remembered for today.

So remember: Fear is an obstacle you cannot go; over, past or under. Fear must be faced head on to get through the barriers of restraint so that it may no longer rule your actions.
Our advice would be to do one thing that scares you everyday. With the lockdown restrictions being lifted we now have more freedom to do , so what’s stopping you?
Now, swimming with sharks scares me for sure but regrettably I can’t jet off to the Bahamas every afternoon (thanks COVID 19). Instead focus on the little things that you may avoid day to day and build from there. For example; saying hi to a stranger, catching spiders, driving long distances, using sharp knives, walking over a tall bridge. In time these things will be a part of your routine and will enable you to strive for bigger aims like chasing your career goals and becoming the best you, you can be.
“Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift. But to live your life, you must discipline it.” Florence Nightingale
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