In this world we can do a lot of damage, without even realising it.
The polar ice caps for example, are melting faster than ever, or the fact that 8 Million tons of plastic enter our oceans every year. As a species we impact everything we touch, but as women, really what is the worst thing we can do?

I would argue there is a lot of leeway regarding this statement, laws exist for a reason right? As women we have come a long way to collectively stand tall and be proud of ourselves, rising through the cracks of adversity and breaking the barriers of expectation. Therefore, in a way, standing in the way of success and empowerment is the worst thing you can do. Whereas, should recognition be the source of motivation? Of course not! Our passion and diligence drive us no matter the cause and effect.
There is another very known saying…
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt
What should you take from this? Spring into action! Become your own role model and “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Ghandi.
We can sit here debating this all day, women should support other women. It costs nothing and community and togetherness is so important as we are always being inspired and enlightened by those around us.

Life is in no way black and white. We must live our lives’ to the fullest by being unapologetically ourselves and shining a light on things you are passionate about, not just other women but for everything you stand for.
The worst thing we can do as women is bring others down and to bring down ourselves. Wasted potential is something we can avoid if we support and empower one another to achieve everyday!
It’s pride month! We would like to give a special shout out to our LGBTQ+ friends, family and supporters to let you know we support you always. You are an inspiration for having the courage to be truly you – continue that courage through pursuing the things you believe in, to pave the way for the next generation of visionaries and trail blazers. We are stronger together.
Our mission is to empower 1000 women to ‘climb their mountain’ so that they break down their barriers and reclaim their power. Join us. For more details about how we can help you to ‘climb your mountain’, check out our free events here. To book a chat with jasmine to discuss wellbeing and what we can offer click here.