Do you feel upset when you think of all the distractions, despair & derailers that surround young girls today? Do you feel a sense of hopelessness? The Girls Like Me Conference which took place virtually on the 9th October was an inspirational, celebratory event which tackled the issues young girls face today. Inspiring, influential speakers shared their stories on how they fought through their struggles and rose above them!
Being a girl in the world we live in today can be challenging. We might find ourselves facing hurdles that we shouldn’t have to face. And the pitfalls of our digital generation can begin to weigh us down, causing feelings of hopelessness to fester. At such a time, it’s imperative to remember that you are not alone and you can equip yourself with the skills you need to better navigate your life & reach your full potential. You have it in you, just like countless other women & girls who you look up to, do.
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