The date a dream came true. Life can be so challenging and difficult at times, the key is to keep on going, focusing on what you want. That’s what I did and boy am I glad because on 14th June 2019, I achieved a dream. The Women Like Me Luton Conference was such a great day, not perfect yet great. We had planned for the women attending to be encouraged and empowered and the feedback reveals that’s exactly what they were along with being inspired and more. There were just over 70 of us and below are the speakers and their bios, who shared and touched each woman present. All speakers were highly rated by attendees.
To check out the pictures from our fab day in another blog post click here…Enjoy and hopefully you’ll join us in November for our next conference. Pre-register for our November The Women Like Me Luton & Beds Conference by entering your details here. Get in touch to partner with us.

Jacqi Burnett FMAAT, MCMI originates from Hackney, London and has lived in Luton for over 30 years. She has worked in financial management, equality, diversity and inclusion in the public, private and voluntary sectors.
She has been a Labour Luton councillor since 2007 and is the Portfolio Holder for Customer & Commercial (Traded Services).

Clare Copleston is Managing Director and Strategic lead at the multi award winning organisation – Meaningful Education CIC and founder of the Bedfordshire Dignity Network. Clare has successfully developed the strategic Vision, Scope and Mission of the organisation and has a demonstrated history of working within the Health & Social Care Industry. Clare has over 16 years’ experience, specialising in Mental Health services both Public and Private Health Care.

Kuljit Lally has over 20 years’ experience in all aspects of child and family law. She’s passionate about working with women and her company’s holy trinity is “people, work space and technology”, maximising talent retention and the quality of all legal services provided. The Aristone team believes in a people-first approach and over-delivering for every client.

Corene Campbell is from a group called voices with soul, 3 bright bubbly ladies with big voices, which were finalists in X-Factor. Before entering the X-Factor TV show, Corene worked as a Supervisor at Cineworld in Luton and also studied Advertising and Marketing Communications at the University of Luton, where she was diagnosed with dyslexia. , onto a show called ‘All together now ‘ 2018/2019 on BBC1 becoming a judge not just once but twice.

Anusjka Regis-Etumnu is a wife and mother of two. She is also an author and entrepreneur who lives with the devastating illness called Sickle Cell.
Anusjka began a campaign to become the first woman in the UK to be cured of sickle cell in early 2018. She shares avidly on her experience and helps to raise awareness, even being featured in the press.

Shahida Khan is a mother and grandma, who refuses to let age and loss stop her. She has committed to developing her potential and pursuing her passions.
Shahida loves bringing people together and sharing from the heart, so volunteers with the us at The Like Me CIC.

Jasmine Mbye is the Director of The Like Me CIC, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, who passionately seeks to empower and encourage women and girls with confidence. Hence becoming the Confidence Grande Dame. Plus, supporting the development of courage, celebration, clarity and resilience. With over 10 years professional experience of training and development along with personal experience of becoming confident, Jasmine builds a connection with those she meets through her openness and willingness to be vulnerable.
Special Guests

Hasina is a Self Defence expert. She has been a fitness instructor and Personal Trainer since 2006. Hasina is a fully qualified Personal Trainer, with 2 black belts in Karate and Kickboxing. It is her passion to help others get fit and healthy and enjoy life! But most of all to be happy with themselves inside and out, especially women.

Rose Marie Calder is a public speaking specialist who went from being too shy to speak to those she knew, let alone strangers. To becoming a woman who helps others find their voice and share their story.
Rose Marie leads two Toastmaster groups; Luton Communicators.

Tremaine is a talented vocalist and pianist who takes her inspiration from Motown, Jazz, Classical and Gospel Music.
She writes and sings beautiful songs about life and love that will leave you feeling blessed and inspired.